Hoppe's Shotgun Cleaner
Bore Snake NZ$45 (incl. GST)
Hoppe's BoreSnake is the fastest bore cleaner on the planet. One pass loosens large particles, scrubs out the remaining residue with a bronze brush, then swabs it all spotless with a cleaning area 160X larger than a standard patch. Add a few drops of Hoppe's No. 9 Lubricating Oil or Hoppe's Elite and your gun's ready for storage.
* The world's quickest, three-step bore shine.
* Brass wieght on the pull cord is stamped with the size
* Patented one-piece design
* Machine washable
Caliber Sizes:
* 12gauge
* 20gauge |

Finally... A Cleaning System That's Easy and Quick!
The Bore Snake is an all in one bore cleaning tool that pulls
through your barrel and cleans it thoroughly in just a few seconds.
A weighted brass drop through cord easily slips through the
barrel to get the Bore Snake started.
You just grab the end and pull the rest of it through.
The "business end" of the Bore Snake has a whole bunch of surface
area impregnated with brushes and floss (160X more floss than
a patch).
One pass with the Bore Snake equals several passes with conventional
The Bore Snake is simple... there's no assembly required.
It's lightweight and compact with no exposed metal to damage
the critical rifling or crown surfaces.
Use it with or without your favorite gun cleaning solvent. (A
great all-around cleaner, lube and protectant is Clenzoil.)
And after several gun cleanings, just wash and dry the Bore
Snake to restore it to like-new gun cleaning condition. If you
love your guns but hate the mess and fuss of cleaning them,
the Bore Snake is for you.
World's Fastest Gun Bore Cleaner
Simply a Better Way to Clean...
* Handguns
* Rifles
* Shotguns
* Brushes and swabs bore in one quick pass
* Built-in bore brushes
* Multiple short brushes embedded in the floss pass easily through
the shortest action or port
* Initial floss area (inside the barrel) removes loose grit
and debris prior to the scrubbing action of the brush
* Main floss, with 160 times more floss than a patch, supercleans
the bore
* Brass weighted drop-through cord slips easily down barrel;
Grasp and pull the cleaning cord through the barrel One pull
through does it all
* No assembly required
* Lightweight and compact |