All prices are in New Zealand Dollars with 15% GST included.
Overseas customers are not liable for GST, divide NZ$ by 1.15 and then use the below Currency Converter:

ADI Gunpowder    


ADI - (Mulwex) Smokeless Powder
ADI Rifle Powders
The following ADI Rifle Powders are in an approximate order of burning rate from the Fastest to the Slowest.

ADI AR2205 - 500gms Rifle/Pistol Powder NZ$73 (incl. GST)

Description: A very fine grained, very fast burning rifle powder suited to .22 Hornet loads but also useful in some Magnum pistol loads. Its burning rate is close to that of IMR 4227.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: .22 Hornet
Bullet Type: 45 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 9.8 grains
Velocity: 2484 ft/sec


ADI AR2207 - 500gms Rifle Powder NZ$73 (incl. GST)

Description: A very useful fine grained fast burning rifle powder for cartridges such as the .222 Remington and 7.62mm x 39 Russian. Its burning rate is close to that of IMR 4198 although it meters significantly better through standard powder loaders.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: .222 Remington
Bullet Type: 50 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 20.5 grains
Velocity: 3160 ft/sec


ADI AR2207 - 4kgs Rifle Powder NZ$528 (incl. GST)

Description: A very useful fine grained fast burning rifle powder for cartridges such as the .222 Remington and 7.62mm x 39 Russian. Its burning rate is close to that of IMR 4198 although it meters significantly better through standard powder loaders.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: .222 Remington
Bullet Type: 50 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 20.5 grains
Velocity: 3160 ft/sec


ADI Bench Mark 1 - 500gms Rifle Powder NZ$76 (incl. GST)

Description: A very fine grained powder with very high bulk density and superior metering characteristics for use by bench rest shooters in cartridges such as .22 PPC. It is intermediate in burning rate between AR2207 and AR2206.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: .223 Remington
Bullet Type: 55 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 22.6 grains
Velocity: 2995 ft/sec
Pressure: 45,750 psi


ADI Bench Mark 1 - 1kg Rifle Powder NZ$152 (incl. GST)

Description: A very fine grained powder with very high bulk density and superior metering characteristics for use by bench rest shooters in cartridges such as .22 PPC. It is intermediate in burning rate between AR2207 and AR2206.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: .223 Remington
Bullet Type: 55 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 22.6 grains
Velocity: 2995 ft/sec
Pressure: 45,750 psi


ADI AR2219 - 500gms Rifle Powder NZ$73 (incl. GST)

Description: Originally developed for the Australian Defence Force 5.56mm its burning rate lies between Bench Mark 1 and Bench Mark 2. AR2219 provides top accuracy in small and medium capacity cartridges.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: 6mm PPC
Bullet Type: 70 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 26.5 grains
Velocity: 3068 ft/sec


ADI Bench Mark 2 - 1kg Rifle Powder NZ$152 (incl. GST)

Description: A fine grained powder with very high bulk density and superior metering characteristics for use in national rifle association match loads such as 223 Remington with 68-69 grain projectiles. It is similar in burning rate close to AR2206, but can be faster depending on the calibre used.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: .22-250 Remington
Bullet Type: 52 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 34.6 grains
Velocity: 3755 ft/sec


ADI Bench Mark 8208 - 1kg Rifle Powder NZ$152 (incl. GST)

Description: This short grained reloading powder has aquired a deserved reputation among serious shooters for accuracy and stability over a wide temperature range. Bench Mark 8208 will maintain consistency from lot to lot, meaning that a load developed for this powder will need less tweaking.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: .204 Ruger
Bullet Type: 40gn Hornady V-Max
Charge Weight: 27.3 grains
Velocity: 3755 ft/sec
Pressure: 56,300 psi


ADI AR2206H - 500gms Rifle Powder NZ$73 (incl. GST)

Description: Has a burning rate slightly slower than AR2206 and is between AR2206 and AR2208. A very versatile powder in a range of calibres giving outstanding accuracy.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: .308 Winchester
Bullet Type: 155 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 46.0 grains
Velocity: 2873 ft/sec


ADI AR2206H - 4kgs Rifle Powder NZ$528 (incl. GST)

Description: Has a burning rate slightly slower than AR2206 and is between AR2206 and AR2208. A very versatile powder in a range of calibres giving outstanding accuracy.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: .308 Winchester
Bullet Type: 155 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 46.0 grains
Velocity: 2873 ft/sec


ADI AR2208 - 500gms Rifle Powder NZ$73 (incl. GST)

Description: A useful fine grained medium/slow burning rifle powder for medium sized cartridges such as .308 Winchester and 25-06 Remington. It's burning rate is close to that of IMR 4064 but its bulk density is higher.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: 30-30 Winchester
Bullet Type: 150 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 34.5 grains
Velocity: 2349 ft/sec


ADI AR2208 - 4kgs Rifle Powder NZ$528 (incl. GST)

Description: A useful fine grained medium/slow burning rifle powder for medium sized cartridges such as .308 Winchester and 25-06 Remington. It's burning rate is close to that of IMR 4064 but its bulk density is higher.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: 30-30 Winchester
Bullet Type: 150 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 34.5 grains
Velocity: 2349 ft/sec


ADI AR2209 - 500gms Rifle Powder NZ$73 (incl. GST)

Description: A useful fine grained, moderately slow burning rifle powder for cartridges such as 22-250 Remington, .243 Winchester, .270 Winchester, 30-06 Springfield and 300 Winchester Magnum. It's burning rate is close to that of IMR 4350 but its bulk density is a little higher and its metering through a powder loader is better.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: 30-06 Springfield
Bullet Type: 165 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 59.0 grains
Velocity: 2835 ft/sec
Pressure: 54,770 psi


ADI AR2209 - 4kgs Rifle Powder NZ$528 (incl. GST)

Description: A useful fine grained, moderately slow burning rifle powder for cartridges such as 22-250 Remington, .243 Winchester, .270 Winchester, 30-06 Springfield and 300 Winchester Magnum. It's burning rate is close to that of IMR 4350 but its bulk density is a little higher and its metering through a powder loader is better.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: 30-06 Springfield
Bullet Type: 165 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 59.0 grains
Velocity: 2835 ft/sec
Pressure: 54,770 psi


ADI AR2213SC - 500gms Rifle Powder NZ$73 (incl. GST)

Description: A slow burning rate rifle powder for cartridges such as .270 Winchester and 300 Winchester Magnum. AR2213SC replaced AR2213 in the Australian and New Zealand reloading market.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: 300 Winchester Magnum
Bullet Type: 165 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 75.5 grains
Velocity: 3055 ft/sec


ADI AR2217 - 500gms Rifle Powder NZ$73 (incl. GST)

Description: A fine grained, very slow burning rifle powder,suited for use in most large calibre magnums.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: 7mm Remington Magnum
Bullet Type: 150 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 68.0 grains
Velocity: 2936 ft/sec


ADI AR2225 - 500gms Rifle Powder NZ$73 (incl. GST)

Description: A very slow burning rate propellant optimised for the 300 Remington Ultra Magnum. It is also suitable for large capacity magnum cases and small overbore cartridges.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: 30-378 Weatherby
Bullet Type: 220 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 118.5 grains
Velocity: 3145 ft/sec


ADI AR2218 - 4kgs Rifle Powder NZ$528 (incl. GST)

Description: An extremely slow burning rifle propellant, initially developed for the Australian Defence Force .50 cal and is perfect for over-bore, large capacity magnums.

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: 30-378 Weatherby
Bullet Type: 220 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 118.5 grains
Velocity: 3145 ft/sec

ADI Pistol Powders
The following ADI Pistol Powders are in an approximate order of burning rate from the Fastest to the Slowest.

ADI APS350 - 500gms Pistol/Shotgun Powder NZ$67 (incl. GST)

Description: A versatile fast burning rate, low bulk density shotgun and handgun powder. It can be loaded over a broad range of handgun cartridges giving superb accuracy, weapon function and clean burning. As a shotgun powder it can be loaded into 24 gram to 28 gram loads in 12 gauge with consistency an the cleanest burning characteristics gained. A key feature of the new APS range is improved and more consistent metering, particularly against the old AS range. The grain form is a cylinder flake, which is ~15% smaller than the AS30N and AS50N diameters. Also, the APS350/450 propellants have a slightly longer mean cut length to the older range. APS350 – AS30N equivalent burn rate performance.


ADI APS350 - 2kg Pistol/Shotgun Powder NZ$228 (incl. GST)

Description: A versatile fast burning rate, low bulk density shotgun and handgun powder. It can be loaded over a broad range of handgun cartridges giving superb accuracy, weapon function and clean burning. As a shotgun powder it can be loaded into 24 gram to 28 gram loads in 12 gauge with consistency an the cleanest burning characteristics gained. A key feature of the new APS range is improved and more consistent metering, particularly against the old AS range. The grain form is a cylinder flake, which is ~15% smaller than the AS30N and AS50N diameters. Also, the APS350/450 propellants have a slightly longer mean cut length to the older range. APS350 – AS30N equivalent burn rate performance.


ADI Trail Boss - 1.5kg Pistol Powder NZ$201 (incl. GST)

Description: Trail Boss is designed specifically for low velocity lead bullet loads for Single Action shooting. It is based on a whole new technology which allows very high loading density, good flow through powder measures, stability in regard to temperature variation and most importantly, additional safety for the handloader.

Exampls of Application:
* Pistol: 45 Colt
* Rifle: 45-70 Government


ADI APS450 - 500gms Pistol/Shotgun Powder NZ$67 (incl. GST)

Description: APS350 and APS450 are the first in ADI's new range of advanced, Australian made propellants. They continue the clean burning and uniformity of ADI's existing AS/AP propellants and will produce soft, smooth recoil and excellent patterns. These propellants have outstanding metering and case fill characteristics, and ballistics that lend themselves to a range of popular loads. This versatility allows customers to buy fewer propellants for a wider range of applications. A key feature of the new APS range is improved and more consistent metering, particularly against the old AS range. The grain form is a cylinder flake, which is ~15% smaller than the AS30N and AS50N diameters. Also, the APS350/450 propellants have a slightly longer mean cut length to the older range. APS450 – AS50N and AP50N equivalent burn rate performance.


ADI APS450 - 2kg Pistol/Shotgun Powder NZ$228 (incl. GST)

Description: APS350 and APS450 are the first in ADI's new range of advanced, Australian made propellants. They continue the clean burning and uniformity of ADI's existing AS/AP propellants and will produce soft, smooth recoil and excellent patterns. These propellants have outstanding metering and case fill characteristics, and ballistics that lend themselves to a range of popular loads. This versatility allows customers to buy fewer propellants for a wider range of applications. A key feature of the new APS range is improved and more consistent metering, particularly against the old AS range. The grain form is a cylinder flake, which is ~15% smaller than the AS30N and AS50N diameters. Also, the APS350/450 propellants have a slightly longer mean cut length to the older range. APS450 – AS50N and AP50N equivalent burn rate performance.


ADI AP50N - 500gms Pistol Powder NZ$70 (incl. GST)

Description: An effective intermediate bulk density medium/fast burning rate handgun powder very suitable for medium target loads in .38 special. It has proven its usefulness in equipment such as 'Ammo' Load for the automated reloading of ammunition for police and paramilitary application in this calibre. It's burning rate, bulk density and clean burning properties are similar to those of AS50N shotgun powder but it has superior metering characteristics for small charge weights.

Typical Pistol Load:
Case: .38 Special (4" vented barrel)
Bullet Type: 158 grain lead SWC projectile
Charge Weight: 3.6 grains
Velocity: 745 ft/sec
Pressure: 12,900 psi


ADI AP50N - 2kgs Pistol Powder NZ$238 (incl. GST)

Description: An effective intermediate bulk density medium/fast burning rate handgun powder very suitable for medium target loads in .38 special. It has proven its usefulness in equipment such as 'Ammo' Load for the automated reloading of ammunition for police and paramilitary application in this calibre. It's burning rate, bulk density and clean burning properties are similar to those of AS50N shotgun powder but it has superior metering characteristics for small charge weights.

Typical Pistol Load:
Case: .38 Special (4" vented barrel)
Bullet Type: 158 grain lead SWC projectile
Charge Weight: 3.6 grains
Velocity: 745 ft/sec
Pressure: 12,900 psi


ADI AP70N - 500gms Pistol/Shotgun Powder NZ$70 (incl. GST)

Description: A versatile medium burning rate handgun powder and an effective slow/medium burning rate shotgun powder. It can be loaded over a broad range of handgun cartridges, from .32 to .45 calibre. As a shotgun powder it can be loaded into 32 gram to 36 gram loads in 12 gauge as well as loads in 20 and 28 gauges.

Typical Pistol Load:
Case: .44 Remington Magnum (8" barrel)
Bullet Type: 240 grain cast lead projectile
Charge Weight: 10.0 grains
Velocity: 1225 ft/sec
Pressure: 31,345 psi

Typical Shotgun Load:
Case: 12 gauge Winchester compression formed case 70mm length
WAD: Winchester WAA12 wad
Primer: Winchester W209 primer
Shot Weight: 32 grams lead shot
Charge Weight: 24.5 grains
Velocity: 1300 ft/sec
Pressure: 11,200 psi


ADI AP70N - 2kgs Pistol/Shotgun Powder NZ$238 (incl. GST)

Description: A versatile medium burning rate handgun powder and an effective slow/medium burning rate shotgun powder. It can be loaded over a broad range of handgun cartridges, from .32 to .45 calibre. As a shotgun powder it can be loaded into 32 gram to 36 gram loads in 12 gauge as well as loads in 20 and 28 gauges.

Typical Pistol Load:
Case: .44 Remington Magnum (8" barrel)
Bullet Type: 240 grain cast lead projectile
Charge Weight: 10.0 grains
Velocity: 1225 ft/sec
Pressure: 31,345 psi

Typical Shotgun Load:
Case: 12 gauge Winchester compression formed case 70mm length
WAD: Winchester WAA12 wad
Primer: Winchester W209 primer
Shot Weight: 32 grams lead shot
Charge Weight: 24.5 grains
Velocity: 1300 ft/sec
Pressure: 11,200 psi


ADI AP100 - 500gms Pistol Powder NZ$70 (incl. GST)

Description: An effective single base slow burning rate handgun powder suitable for major power factor loads in .38 super and similar cartridges. It shares the same clean burning and superior metering characteristics with the other ADI handgun powders.

Typical Pistol Load:
Case: .38 Super Auto (4" barrel)
Bullet Type: 135 grain cast lead projectile
Charge Weight: 7.5 grains
Velocity: 1325 ft/sec
Pressure: 36,300 psi


ADI AP100 - 2kgs Pistol Powder NZ$238 (incl. GST)

Description: An effective single base slow burning rate handgun powder suitable for major power factor loads in .38 super and similar cartridges. It shares the same clean burning and superior metering characteristics with the other ADI handgun powders.

Typical Pistol Load:
Case: .38 Super Auto (4" barrel)
Bullet Type: 135 grain cast lead projectile
Charge Weight: 7.5 grains
Velocity: 1325 ft/sec
Pressure: 36,300 psi


ADI AR2205 - 500gms Rifle/Pistol Powder NZ$73 (incl. GST)

Description: A very fine grained, very fast burning rifle powder suited to .22 Hornet loads but also useful in some Magnum pistol loads. Its burning rate is close to that of IMR 4227.

Typical Pistol Load:
Case: .357 Magnum (10" barrel)
Bullet Type: 150 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 16.5 grains
Velocity: 1583 ft/sec

Typical Rifle Load:
Case: .22 Hornet
Bullet Type: 45 grain jacketed projectile
Charge Weight: 9.8 grains
Velocity: 2484 ft/sec

ADI Shotgun Powders
The following ADI Shotgun Powders are in an approximate order of burning rate from the Fastest to the Slowest.

ADI AS30N - 500gms Shotgun Powder NZ$67 (incl. GST)

Description: A versatile fast burning rate, low bulk density shotgun and handgun cartridges giving superb accuracy, weapon function and clean burning. As a shotgun powder it can be loaded into 24gram to 28 gram loads in 12 gauge with consistency and the cleanest burning charachteristics gained.


ADI AS30N - 2kg Shotgun Powder NZ$228 (incl. GST)

Description: A versatile fast burning rate, low bulk density shotgun and handgun cartridges giving superb accuracy, weapon function and clean burning. As a shotgun powder it can be loaded into 24gram to 28 gram loads in 12 gauge with consistency and the cleanest burning charachteristics gained.


ADI APS350 - 500gms Pistol/Shotgun Powder NZ$67 (incl. GST)

Description: A versatile fast burning rate, low bulk density shotgun and handgun powder. It can be loaded over a broad range of handgun cartridges giving superb accuracy, weapon function and clean burning. As a shotgun powder it can be loaded into 24 gram to 28 gram loads in 12 gauge with consistency an the cleanest burning characteristics gained. A key feature of the new APS range is improved and more consistent metering, particularly against the old AS range. The grain form is a cylinder flake, which is ~15% smaller than the AS30N and AS50N diameters. Also, the APS350/450 propellants have a slightly longer mean cut length to the older range. APS350 – AS30N equivalent burn rate performance.


ADI APS350 - 2kg Pistol/Shotgun Powder NZ$228 (incl. GST)

Description: A versatile fast burning rate, low bulk density shotgun and handgun powder. It can be loaded over a broad range of handgun cartridges giving superb accuracy, weapon function and clean burning. As a shotgun powder it can be loaded into 24 gram to 28 gram loads in 12 gauge with consistency an the cleanest burning characteristics gained. A key feature of the new APS range is improved and more consistent metering, particularly against the old AS range. The grain form is a cylinder flake, which is ~15% smaller than the AS30N and AS50N diameters. Also, the APS350/450 propellants have a slightly longer mean cut length to the older range. APS350 – AS30N equivalent burn rate performance.


ADI AS50N - 500gms Shotgun Powder NZ$67 (incl. GST)

Description: An effective intermediate bulk density, fast/medium burning rate shotgun powder suitable for 28 gram loads up to 1350 ft/sec in 12 gauge and 24 gram loads up to 1200 ft/sec in 20 gauge.


ADI AS50N - 2kg Shotgun Powder NZ$228 (incl. GST)

Description: An effective intermediate bulk density, fast/medium burning rate shotgun powder suitable for 28 gram loads up to 1350 ft/sec in 12 gauge and 24 gram loads up to 1200 ft/sec in 20 gauge.


ADI APS450 - 500gms Pistol/Shotgun Powder NZ$67 (incl. GST)

Description: APS350 and APS450 are the first in ADI's new range of advanced, Australian made propellants. They continue the clean burning and uniformity of ADI's existing AS/AP propellants and will produce soft, smooth recoil and excellent patterns. These propellants have outstanding metering and case fill characteristics, and ballistics that lend themselves to a range of popular loads. This versatility allows customers to buy fewer propellants for a wider range of applications. A key feature of the new APS range is improved and more consistent metering, particularly against the old AS range. The grain form is a cylinder flake, which is ~15% smaller than the AS30N and AS50N diameters. Also, the APS350/450 propellants have a slightly longer mean cut length to the older range. APS450 – AS50N and AP50N equivalent burn rate performance.


ADI APS450 - 2kg Pistol/Shotgun Powder NZ$228 (incl. GST)

Description: APS350 and APS450 are the first in ADI's new range of advanced, Australian made propellants. They continue the clean burning and uniformity of ADI's existing AS/AP propellants and will produce soft, smooth recoil and excellent patterns. These propellants have outstanding metering and case fill characteristics, and ballistics that lend themselves to a range of popular loads. This versatility allows customers to buy fewer propellants for a wider range of applications. A key feature of the new APS range is improved and more consistent metering, particularly against the old AS range. The grain form is a cylinder flake, which is ~15% smaller than the AS30N and AS50N diameters. Also, the APS350/450 propellants have a slightly longer mean cut length to the older range. APS450 – AS50N and AP50N equivalent burn rate performance.

ADI Powders Handloaders Guide
ADI Powders Handloaders' Guide - Ninth Edition NZ$12 (incl. GST)
Temporarily Out of Stock!

Welcome to the 9th edition of ADI Powders Handloaders' Guide. This is the biggest issue yet with new loads, new stories and more action! This year's guide is once again packed with essential reloading data and great articles about the ADI 308 Brass, Lithgow Arms debut centrefire rifle and ADI's new propellant factory in Mulwala. A practical, comprehensive reference book that belongs on the bench of every reloader.

* More Data: Many new loads add to ADI's most comprehensive guide yet.
* Over 5000+ Loads for Shotguns, Pistols, Rifles and Single Action Applications.
* Featuring complete data for the new ADI 308 Winchester Brass, new centrefire rifle from Lithgow Arms and new Bench Mark 8208 rifle powder.
* Introducing Australian Outlook Ammunition: the only Australian factory manufctured ammunition with Ballistic Temperature Independence.
* World-Class Powders and Ammunitions


Freight Costs
Free ADI Handloaders Guide - gives more detailed powder decriptions and a ADI powder Equivalent chart, covering Winchester, Hodgdon, Hercules, Dupont, Vectan, Norma and Accurate Arms powders.
Freight Costs for Powder

North Island - Price On Application
South Island - Price On Application

Due to Government regulations, powder must be freighted by Tranz-Rail and the costs are now prohibitive. (These laws may change in the near future).

Consequently, at this point, these powder products will probably only be of interest to Wairarapa and Wellington people or those who can arrange personal pickup. 

Wairarapa - Pick up from our shop in Carterton
Wellington - Pick up points in Karori or Island Bay



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Updated October 2024